
8 Ways a Groom Can Make His Wife’s Wedding Day Even More Special

8 Ways a Groom Can Make His Wife’s Wedding Day Even More Special

8 Ways a Groom Can Make His Wife’s Wedding Day Even More Special Crystal Plaza

Your wedding is going to be amazing. The venue is spectacular. Almost all your friends can make it. The catering is going to blow everyone away. Your family is getting along beautifully with hers, You have an awesome best man (great choice, by the way), and everything is within budget. Happy days!

But is there anything else you can do to make your fiancée’s day EVEN more special? Something she isn’t expecting from you, that will bring a huge smile to her face or a (happy) tear to her eye?


We believe there are a few ways…

A bride & groom embrace at the end of their wedding ceremony

Her day is going to be incredible, but can it be even better?

But before we review them, let’s consider this: it is possible that your wife-to-be has been dreaming about her wedding day since she was a very little girl. She has imagined herself wowing guests as she steps into the stunning ballroom: a vision of beauty and splendor. She has known for years what flower arrangements she wanted and what song she would play when walking down the aisle. This magical day has been living in her head for years, with (almost) every detail meticulously planned. 


So with this in mind, we want to suggest ways you can add to her dream, and make the day even better:

Take a couple of dance classes

This can either be done with your fiancée, or secretly on your own. Nobody is expecting Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers: you don’t need to learn how to toss your bride in the air and catch her behind your back; but being able to rhythmically tie some steps together will make the whole experience so much more fun for her. And if you do it on the sly, make sure your photographer is there to capture your new bride’s face when you start dancing – she’s going to be thrilled! Definitely one for the wedding album…


Get more involved with the wedding planning

Big one: by taking on more responsibility in the lead up to the wedding you will be helping a lot. Brides generally do the lionshare of the wedding planning and preparation, so your involvement will be a huge help. Here are a couple of places you can show your worth:

Wedding Cocktail 

Be in charge of the signature cocktail for the day (not a terrible job, let’s face it!). Think about what flavors you both like, meet with your bartender and create something special!


Wedding Seating 

Own the guest seating plan if you’re having a sit-down meal. Obviously you will need input from your fiancée; but grabbing this bull by the horns will save your betrothed a lot of heartache! 

Be the Point Person

Speak to the Priest / Rabbi / Officiant and let them know that you’ll be responsible for communicating your intentions for the ceremony. Obviously make sure your wife agrees with whatever you say; but taking this off her plate will be one less person she has to deal with. In fact, you could apply this same approach with lots of the vendors: from the flowers to the favors. 

Handle the Rehearsal Dinner

On its own, this isn’t a major task; but trying to figure out the venue, menu and seating the night before you’re getting married is a major deal. Be a hero and add it to your to-do list.

A bride & groom enjoying their first dance together in a beautiful ballroom

Knock your bride off her feet by secretly taking some dance classes


Smuggle in some contraband 

Since you’re not allowed to see your wife before the ceremony, have the Maid of Honor give her a hand-written note from you as she’s getting ready. Write something meaningful about you, her and this beautiful day. It doesn’t need to be long; but trust us when we say it will be cherished forever.

Small gift, huge gesture. 

Pay attention to her friends + family too

This is showing that what’s important to her is now important to you. It could be as simple as taking her great aunt Mildred for a spin around the dance floor, or making sure her mother has a pack of tissues to hand in case of leaky eyes during the ceremony. 

A barman at a wedding waiting to serve

Creating a signature wedding cocktail can be a fun way to make the day even more special for your bride

Respect the color coordination

If it means a lot to your wife for you and your groomsmen to wear pink socks that match the bridesmaids dresses, then wear the socks. And while it may not seem a big deal to you that the centerpiece flowers are fuchsia but the boutonnieres are magenta this is not the time to disagree with her. Just roll with it. 

Get her some food

Sounds crazy, but the wedding couple often ‘forget’ to eat; or rather, they are so busy chatting with people, dancing, having photos taken, signing documents that eating gets away from them. Even a couple of sneaky bites from a sandwich as she runs from A to B will be a massive help.


Say something nice

At some point you’re going to have an opportunity to speak in front of everyone. Not only will you thank Justin and Sara for coming all the way from Denver, and be “so grateful to your new family” for all their hard work in making this day happen; but you should also let your new bride know how much today means to you too. It doesn’t need to be overly-sentimental, just an honest, straight-from-the-heart message from you to her.

A groom reads his speech before the wedding ceremony

A groom should make sure his speech captures his love for his new wife

Spend some time together!

This may seem odd; but it’s an easy trap to fall into. Think about it: you’re going to be surrounded by your best friends and family, some of whom you may see very little of these days. The temptation will be to spend the evening catching up with them. Don’t be tempted. This is time for you and your wife to enjoy together.

In the days to come, when your wife thinks back on her wedding day, it may end up being some of the smaller things that she cherishes most. Moments of tenderness and love direct from you, that have surprised and delighted her – truly making her wedding day better than she ever dreamed. 

An outdoor wedding setup in Livingston, New Jersey

The Crystal Plaza – New Jersey’s finest wedding venue

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