Specialty Catering
Although Crystal Plaza is sought after for our catering, we recognize that different cultures have specific customs for catering events. We are open to allowing Specialty Outside Catering Companies to come and produce unique cuisine dishes in authentic styles for your event. From kosher, halal, Indian, African, and more, we will work with your team to create an environment that maintains authenticity to any specialty catering request.
Kosher Catering
Crystal Plaza has an on-premise dedicated kitchen, strictly used for our Alpine Glatt Kosher catering. Our full-service catering experience is rabbi-supervised, where they work closely with our head chef and kitchen staff to ensure all food and operations are fit for kosher consumption. All cuisine creations, from hors d’oeuvres to plated dishes, are crafted with the highest standards of quality and freshness, so you can be sure that your guests are served only the best.